Governors School Breakfast Challenge
The Governor's School Breakfast Challenge is a three-month program to encourage increased participation in the Universal Free Breakfast Program and recognize schools for increasing breakfast participation while implementing sustainable changes that incorporate more nutritious and local foods in their meal offerings.

During the 2024-2025 School Year, every student, regardless of income, attending Urban Academy of Greater Pittsburgh Charter School will be able to receive a free nutritious breakfast to start their school day.
- When students can depend on receiving nutritious meals at school, it relieves the whole family of stress from the morning rush. No more drive-thru or convenience store lines making students late!
- Kids enjoy and need their sleep and may not be hungry first thing in the morning. Breakfast at school gives their bodies, bellies, and brains time to wake up.
- Breakfast at school can be a nourishing mid-morning snack for students who have long commutes to school or activities before the school day begins.
- Students perform better on tests, have a better attention span, and have fewer visits to the school nurse for headaches. When their brains and bodies are well-nourished, they are less likely to be irritable in the classroom!
- Each breakfast is required to meet USDA nutrition standards. School breakfasts include nutritious foods like whole grains, fruits, and milk.